World hits

03 November 2019
Melitopol, Ukraine
Time: 19:00
Address: Мелитополь, ДК им. Шевченко
Country: Ukraine
City: Melitopol

In the fall 2019 PRIME Orchestra will celebrate the fifth anniversary with dramatic anniversary round which will come to the end in the end of spring 2020! From a cycle « World Hits » will enter Into the holiday program the compositions best and most favourite by spectators played by an orchestra for 5 years, in the updated version, as well as new tremendous versions of hits which were not executed yet by an orchestra! Prime Orchestra will please admirers with even more scale and bright show, modern a sound-technologies, unique arrangements, firm powerful alive sounding, as well as humour, charismatic a vocal, special effects and, certainly, hurricane of emotions!

PRIME Orchestra – the unique phenomenon on a world musical stage! It is a modern symphonic crossover-orchestra – symbiosis of innovation and traditions, natural talent and high technologies! Symphonic show from PRIME Orchestra is always professionally, qualitatively, powerfully, brightly and a drive! In each program – the best world hits fate, the priest, electronic, and now also a rap of music in original symphonic interpretation which gives world famous compositions a new life, and to spectators – a possibility to open novel sides of favourite music.

Besides musicians traditional for orchestras, structure Prime Orchestra includes a drive rock-band, shocking vocalists, chorus and even DJ! On the account of collective at the moment – more than 400 concerts in the different countries of the world, performance on the largest concert platforms, festivals, thousand the kilometers overcome in rounds, hundred thousand the grateful spectators who have visited concerts, millions viewings on the Internet and positive responses from all world!

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+380 (98) 692 20 64